🍏This jobs entails working on Open Source full time
TU Delft & SymPy / Postdoctoral Researcher Opening: Advancing Biomechanical Modeling By Improving SymPy Code Generation (x/f/m)
This job is 100% time.
100% of time is on open source.
Application deadline: 2022-02-28
Location: Delft, Netherlands with possibility of remote

The TU Delft Bicycle Lab is seeking a postdoctoral researcher for a 1 year equivalent contract (full or part time). You will work on a sub-project of SymPy's "Improving Foundational Open Source Symbolic Mathematics for Science" grant funded by the Chan-Zuckerberg Foundation's "Essential Open Source Software for Science" program. The purpose of the overall grant is to improve the SymPy Python symbolic mathematics library in the key areas of performance, code generation, and documentation. The full grant proposal is available publicly on Figshare.

Applications Due February 28, 2022

More information about the job can be found at https://mechmotum.github.io/blog/sympy-czi-postdoc.html

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